Wisdom to improve your life. Humor to take the edge off.
Hi I’m Liz.
I write funny, practical stuff for irreverent people trying to live a better life. (And frequently change my hair, it seems.)
It's self improvement for the saucy ones out there.
I write about routines, thought processes, habits, philosophies, and quirks that improve your (read: my) life, always with some humor to take the edge off. It’s entertaining and helpful.
I write from a combination of my own experience, great thinkers I steal from, conventional wisdom, books I read, and scientific data that isn’t boring. Sometimes in personal essays, sometimes in bulleted lists, always autobiographical.
More about Liz:
ISFP. Enneagram 5 wing 4. Questioner tendency. Ravenclaw. Humorist. Curious mind. News junkie. Pizza lover. Leisure enthusiast. Recovering know-it-all. Reader. Writer. Former Navy spouse. Clemson grad. Dog mom. Millennial. Privilege level: middle class, heterosexual, cisgender, non-disabled, white woman.
The Official Third Person Version:
Liz Morrow is a professional writer. She ghostwrites books with Jeff Goins and writes personal essays on lizmwriter.com. She lives in Charleston, SC with her husband and goldendoodle. She graduated from Clemson University without distinction but still feels special.
For a great intro to me and to stay in touch, CLICK HERE.